What is CCPA and How Does it Affect You?

If you’re like all of us at SHE Media, you rang in 2020 by going through your inbox and seeing that every single site you’ve every come into contact has updated their privacy policies. This is due to the California Consumer Protection Act (CCPA) - a new law that went into affect January 1, 2020.

What is CCPA?

CCPA is a law designed to give California residents tools and rights when it comes to controlling how and where their data is used and sold across the internet. California residents now have the right to ask any company/site to remove their data, and you will have to comply with that kind of request.

I haven’t done anything yet, am I in trouble?

Not yet! California seems to understand that something as big as this takes time to implement. So while the law went into effect, they won’t be taking action on it until later this year.

Is this different from GDPR?

It’s very similar - GDPR (the General Data Privacy Regulations) affects EU residents. You have to ask EU residents to consent to sharing your information and provide a privacy policy on your site to declare what data you collect and how they can contact you to remove it.

With CCPA, the difference is that California residents need to ask to opt-out of this data sharing. So all sites should have a link to allow publishers to do that, as well as a privacy policy.

(So if you have a privacy policy in place because of GDPR, you’re already off to a good start)

Will this affect my revenue?

It can! The ad providers we work with are looking for people who have the appropriate opt-outs in places, so if you don’t do anything - it can hurt your ability to earn revenue. (And unfortunately, because it’s a law there are the possibility of fines as well)

What do I need?

Because CCPA is a law, just like GDPR - we can’t tell you exactly what it is that you’ll need to be fully compliant (we aren’t lawyers and don’t know your specific setup). You will need a privacy policy that’s up to date, that details how people can contact you to remove their information.

But if you have any further questions about the specifics for your site, you should speak with legal counsel.

How is SHE Media compliant?

SHE Media has been spending the last two months working with industry leaders, our legal team and our ad technology team to really understand what’s required of CCPA for our publishers. We are compliant and are continuing to integrate technology to make it easier for our publishers to become compliant, too.

For members of the SHE Media Partner Network, please login to your dashboard at https://my.shemedia.com - we’ve put together a memo filled with steps that you can take to help you become compliant. (But again, we recommend you consult with an attorney if you have any specific questions or concerns)

If you’re in the SHE Media Partner Network and have any further questions, please reach out to support@shemedia.com


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